Warm & Safe Wiltshire
Don't suffer a cold home
Living in a cold home can be bad for your health. Consistently low temperatures in your home may exacerbate existing health issues (particularly respiratory and cardiovascular conditions) and make it harder for you to recover from illnesses. It can cause you and your family to feel miserable at home, affecting concentration, dexterity and mental health.
Swindon Borough Council has been working to address these issues and make it easier for people struggling to heat their home to a healthy, comfortable temperature to access free advice and support.
Residents can now contact Warm & Safe Wiltshire - a one stop shop for all cold home and energy queries. The service aims to provide free, impartial advice about keeping your home warm, understanding your heating system and energy bills, switching energy supplier and making energy saving improvements. The service also aims to prevent isolation worry by signing residents up to the Priority Services Register so that in the event of a power cut, they have the support that they need. Energy advice can be given through home visits as well as over the phone. Fire safety alarm and appliance checks can also be organised in partnership with Fire and Rescue for eligible residents.
Warm and Safe Wiltshire will also be working closely with relevant organisations to ensure that the team are able to refer and signpost residents for additional support. This could include ensuring you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to or support in making essential improvements to your home. Insulation is one of the best ways of lowering your energy bills as well as replacing old, inefficient heating systems. Warm and Safe Wiltshire can let you know if you’re eligible for funding to help towards the cost of making your home warmer and more comfortable.
Please contact the team if you would like any advice or you know anyone who would benefit from a referral.
Call 0800 038 5722
email warmandsafe@cse.org.uk
Web www.warmandsafewiltshire.org.uk
Warm and Safe Wiltshire is a service provided by Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council in partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service.
Living in a cold home can be bad for your health. Consistently low temperatures in your home may exacerbate existing health issues (particularly respiratory and cardiovascular conditions) and make it harder for you to recover from illnesses. It can cause you and your family to feel miserable at home, affecting concentration, dexterity and mental health.
Swindon Borough Council has been working to address these issues and make it easier for people struggling to heat their home to a healthy, comfortable temperature to access free advice and support.
Residents can now contact Warm & Safe Wiltshire - a one stop shop for all cold home and energy queries. The service aims to provide free, impartial advice about keeping your home warm, understanding your heating system and energy bills, switching energy supplier and making energy saving improvements. The service also aims to prevent isolation worry by signing residents up to the Priority Services Register so that in the event of a power cut, they have the support that they need. Energy advice can be given through home visits as well as over the phone. Fire safety alarm and appliance checks can also be organised in partnership with Fire and Rescue for eligible residents.
Warm and Safe Wiltshire will also be working closely with relevant organisations to ensure that the team are able to refer and signpost residents for additional support. This could include ensuring you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to or support in making essential improvements to your home. Insulation is one of the best ways of lowering your energy bills as well as replacing old, inefficient heating systems. Warm and Safe Wiltshire can let you know if you’re eligible for funding to help towards the cost of making your home warmer and more comfortable.
Please contact the team if you would like any advice or you know anyone who would benefit from a referral.
Call 0800 038 5722
email warmandsafe@cse.org.uk
Web www.warmandsafewiltshire.org.uk
Warm and Safe Wiltshire is a service provided by Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council in partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service.
Published on 15 August 2018.