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Draft Blunsdon East Neighbourhood Plan (BENP)

Website: Blunsdon St Andrew - East Neighbourhood Plan (

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is presenting the Draft Blunsdon East Neighbourhood Plan (BENP) for Regulation 14 Consultation. The Consultation will begin on 4th May 2019 and last for 6 weeks until 15th June 2019.

The Steering Group will present the Plan to the public in the Village Hall in Blunsdon on Saturday 4th May from 10am to 4pm and on Wednesday 8th May between 4pm and 9pm.

Consultation Sheets have gone out to all households in the Parish and the local residents who have helped to shape the Plan will be asked to comment on the Policies derived by the many consultations with the Community over the last few years.


The first draft of the Blunsdon East Neighbourhood Plan is ready for your comments on its Policies and Plans for the Parish:

Link: Blunsdon East Neighbourhood Plan (BENP) – Regulation 14 Public Consultation

The first draft of the Plan document is available for consultation for a period of 6 weeks to collect views from the community and all stakeholders. This is not a finished document, it is a draft designed to show the conclusions drawn from existing evidence including National and Local Planning Policy, Community Questionnaires and consultations. During the consultation period 4th May to 15th June 2019:

⦁ The plan document will be available as a download from the Parish Council and the BENP website and through the Parish, BENP and Broadcast Blunsdon Facebook pages.

⦁ This leaflet, describing the plan and how to access it and engage in consultation will be delivered to every household in the BENP area as a 'pull out' within the Village Magazine.

⦁ Paper copies of the plan document will be available at the Parish Office behind the Methodist Church and a number of paper copies will be available on request for those who cannot access the on-line version.

⦁ There will be two drop-in sessions in the Village Hall on Saturday May 4th 10am-4pm and Wednesday 8th May 4pm-9pm for you to discuss the BENP in detail, or ask questions.

⦁ The Steering Group will consult with other stakeholders e.g. businesses, landowners and service providers.

Following the consultation period, the comments submitted will be analysed and may be used to refine the content of the plan document. The revised document is then subject to a further review period by Swindon Borough Council (SBC), and then to review by an Independent Examiner. Each of these further reviews has a set timescale, and together they will take us through to the autumn.

Ian Jankinson - Chairman Blunsdon Parish Council – 07702 684281 –

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Published on 3 May 2019.

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