Tracey Judd
Blunsdon Parish Council
Blunsdon Village Hall
High Street
SN26 7AR
Telephone: 01793 705617
Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) was made in 2021. The referendum held in May 2021 supported the Plan with 88% of the votes cast in favour and just 12% against. It was ratified at the full Swindon Borough Council (SBC) meeting and is now part of planning law for the Parish of Blunsdon, and every application that is presented to SBC Planning department for our Parish must take its 12 policies into account.
We have now closed the website dedicated to the Plan and transferred all the relevant planning documents to this Parish Council site for easy access and convenience.
Thank you to all those who supported and helped make the Plan and I hope that it will help to protect and enhance our lovely Parish. Below is the Vision, Aims and Objectives of the Plan and the associated 12 Policies.
'Blunsdon will continue to be a safe and tranquil rural area with a strong community spirit and a diverse population. It will value its unique rural setting on the Mid Vale ridge and its historic heritage while improving communication links with Swindon and the wider area.'
Theme 1 - A place where people want to live
To maintain the village character of Blunsdon by managing development on the scale envisaged in the Swindon Local Plan through small scale developments over the plan period. Policy 1: Allocation of sites for housing Policy 2: Housing developments on non-allocated sites To maintain areas of separation to protect the unique identity of Blunsdon and prevent coalescence with adjacent existing and proposed urban areas. Policy 3: Development in the Countryside To ensure the urban development of Kingsdown provides benefits to the parish of Blunsdon such as new sustainable links and rights of way and environmental enhancements. Policy 4: Development on the Kingsdown NC5 site Policy 6: Road Safety, traffic congestion and pollution To ensure the objectives above are achieved through collaborative solutions for infrastructure and road safety. Theme 2 - Pride in our Heritage To protect and enhance the heritage and historic sites within the BENP To ensure developments and alterations are sympathetic and appropriate Policy 5: Preserving the character of Blunsdon Village To recognise and promote the area’s heritage and history To register and protect Assets of Community Value within the BENP area. Policy 7: Protection of Community Facilities To protect valued views in and out of the village Policy 10: Preservation of Views of local importance Theme 3 - Supporting the Community Ensure opportunities for employment and home working are supported To encourage the provision of a high-quality broadband network to support employment and leisure activities Policy 8: Employment Maintain and improve existing open spaces Policy 5: Preserving the visual character of Blunsdon Village Protect and improve sports facilities and play areas Encourage the addition of open space and green infrastructure Policy 9: The Designation of Local Green Space Policy 9a: Open Space and Sports Facilities Theme 4 - Conserving Nature and the Environment To preserve, improve and enhance the green infrastructure within the BENP area Policy 9: The Designation of Local Green Space Provide habitats that support and improve the biodiversity of the area To preserve special views from the hilltop village Policy 10: Preservation of views of local importance To strengthen and improve the Conservation Areas by developing and fulfilling the Management Action Plans To reduce light pollution to minimise risks to health, hazards to road users and to encourage the presence of nocturnal wildlife. Policy 11: Protection of Trees and Hedgerows Policy 12: Dark Skies Below are listed all the detailed documents associated with the Plan: Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan Appendix A: Basic Conditions Statement Appendix B: Equality Impact Assessment Appendix C1: Village Design Statement Appendix C2: V.D.S. Character Assessments Appendix D: Blunsdon Heritage Trail Appendix E: Scheduled Monuments and Listed Buildings Appendix F: Plan Evidence Base Appendix G: Consultation Statement Appendix H: Decision Notice Appendix I: Landscape Visual Sensitivity Analysis Appendix J1: Site Allocation Assessment Appendix J2: Development Site Assessment Report Appendix J3: S.E.A. Screening Opinion by S.B.C. Appendix K: Swindon Local Plan Policy for Kingsdown NC5(Posted 1st October 2024)
Blunsdon Village Magazine September 2024
(Posted 9th September 2024)
New development at Kingsdown - have your say
(Posted 5th August 2024)
Blunsdon Village Magazine August 2024
(Posted 29th July 2024)
If you have any issues regarding the condition of roads in the parish, fly tipping, public land grass cutting, dog bins or any other concerns, please let us know.
Click here to report a problem
Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) was made in 2021. The referendum held in May 2021 supported the Plan with 88% of votes cast in favour and 12% against.