Telephone iconParish Clerk Details

Tracey Judd
Blunsdon Parish Council
Blunsdon Village Hall
High Street
SN26 7AR

Telephone: 01793 705617


Blunsdon by air
keeping it clean, keeping it safe, keeping it beautiful



Blunsdon PC Minutes 7 May 2024
Date posted: 10th June 2024

File download: MInutes 7 May 2024 .docx

(If you experience difficulties opening the above file directly, please right-click on the link, use 'Save Target As...' to save it to your PC and then open the file from there)

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If you have any issues regarding the condition of roads in the parish, fly tipping, public land grass cutting, dog bins or any other concerns, please let us know.

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Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan

Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) was made in 2021. The referendum held in May 2021 supported the Plan with 88% of votes cast in favour and 12% against.

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