Telephone iconParish Clerk Details

Tracey Judd
Blunsdon Parish Council
Blunsdon Village Hall
High Street
SN26 7AR

Telephone: 01793 705617


Blunsdon by air
keeping it clean, keeping it safe, keeping it beautiful

Welcome to the Blunsdon Parish Council website

Within this website we have tried to provide you with relevant information but will always welcome any ideas you have to improve the website. Just click on Contact us and put your feedback into the form provided.

What a Parish Council Does

Usually The Parish Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month to discuss issues that affect the parish and its parishioners. We represent the parish in many areas. Some of these areas are:

  • Planning proposals and applications
  • Parish road works/hedgerows/verges etc.
  • Parish play areas/open spaces
  • The cemetery
  • Blunsdon Village Hall
  • Education matters
  • Police Consultative Committee
  • Traffic and Transport forums
  • And many other things

Using Local Knowledge

We are the 'local knowledge' for Swindon Borough Council to refer to when decisions need to be made about the parish area.

News icon

Latest Parish News

Blunsdon Village Magazine July 2024


(Posted 2nd July 2024)


Blunsdon PC Minutes 22 April 2024


(Posted 10th June 2024)


Blunsdon PC Minutes 7 May 2024


(Posted 10th June 2024)


Blunsdon PC Minutes 20 May 2024


(Posted 10th June 2024)


Report icon

Report a Problem

If you have any issues regarding the condition of roads in the parish, fly tipping, public land grass cutting, dog bins or any other concerns, please let us know.

Click here to report a problem

Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan icon

Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan

Blunsdon Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) was made in 2021. The referendum held in May 2021 supported the Plan with 88% of votes cast in favour and 12% against.

Click here to view more details